Monday, November 8, 2010

motivation blinds me

i was told a little while ago when i was looking for motivation that "motivation blinds you, inspiration is what you need", and though those words are inspiring themselves,i can't seem to be inspired or even motivated by anything. i know what i want, and what i should do, but i can't seem to actually start doing it all. i plan to do things and then i just skip them. sometimes i think to myself "oh i'll work on that tomorrow" but when tomorrow comes, it doesn't get done. what i'm talking about is exercising and school work. i want to lose weight and do better in school than i have been lately, which i like to think i could be doing both already, eventhough i havent' done anything about either of them. i'm still procrastinating like i'm getting paid to do it (which would be awesome if i could be). i'm even procrastinating right now, i need to write a paper due in a couple of days, but i can't seem to get started on it...and when i actually did get started on it, i lost internet and couldn't look up the needed information about the individual i'm writing about.

i need a kick in the rear to get things going. =/

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